Assisted Living in Amarillo

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Personalized Care for Comfortable Living

We provide personalized care so you can focus on what truly matters—connecting with others, individual growth, and experiencing the love and support of those around you. 

Our assisted living services allow you to enjoy a life free from daily living tasks and responsibilities. We’re here to provide support with high-quality services personalized to your unique needs and with your comfort in mind. 

Join our assisted living community today, and learn more about life in The Legacy at Town Square. Book a tour today!

What Is Assisted Living?

At The Legacy at Town Square, we aim to make life easy and comfortable for our residents. Our compassionate caregiving team works hard to support your daily living activities, such as medication management, bathing, and dressing, all in a welcoming and warm environment.

Our residents experience all the modern comforts and conveniences, an opportunity to connect, and integrated safety features.

Our Assisted Living Services & Amenities

Our community offers residents a comprehensive range of services and amenities, along with a passionate team dedicated to helping residents live life to the fullest. We strive to help our residents feel at home and explore every opportunity we have to offer.

If you have any questions about our services and amenities, please feel free to get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our chefs lovingly prepare meals tailored to your needs. Each meal is personalized with our residents’ specific dietary and healthcare needs in mind. We go above and beyond so you can enjoy a meal that’s both delicious and nutritious.

We want your space to truly feel like home. That’s why we provide weekly housekeeping and maintenance services so that your private suits stay comfortable, safe, and cozy. An organized environment can help maintain health and peace of mind.

Our residents’ overall well-being and health are our highest priority at The Legacy at Town Square

Our team of trained, experienced, and qualified caregivers help manage medication and other health-related concerns, so our residents can count on us for support when needed.

Your experience with The Legacy at Town Square goes beyond our doors. We regularly schedule outings and events so you can explore and stay connected with the beautiful city of Amarillo. 

Whether you need to get to a doctor’s appointment or want to explore the city with a few friends, we have you covered with our transportation services.

We want to help our residents feel comfortable, so we offer a full range of utilities in each of our personalized resident suits. These utilities include Wi-Fi, cable television, and more.

We strive to meet the unique needs of our residents and happily provide support for every aspect of our residents’ lives. From bathing assistance to personal hygiene tasks, we can help. 

We also provide full grooming services at our on-site salons and barbershops.

Supporting Your Lifestyle

At The Legacy at Town Square, we want you to experience the love and support of the community around you. 

See how we’re helping residents connect with others and grow as individuals when you book a tour with us today.

Why Choose Us?


We’re in this together. Nurturing and developing relationships is a big part of The Legacy at Town Square experience.


We fuel the passion and curiosity of our residents, and at The Legacy at Town Square, there’s never a shortage of fun and excitement.


Your loved ones deserve peace and comfort, and we are passionate about showing how much we care. Now, it’s our turn to give back, and here every moment is special.

All Together

When we put all these values together—The Legacy at Town Square is more than just a place to live—it’s a place you can call home. At The Legacy at Town Square, we’re a family.

Our Lifestyles

We offer unique lifestyle options you can choose from, but we can personalize your experience based on individual needs. 

If you’re unsure which lifestyle may suit you best, please don’t hesitate to contact our team to learn more about these options and what best fits your needs.

Assisted Living

An assisted living lifestyle provides personalized care for your unique needs, supporting you through life with reassurance, guidance, and support.

Memory Care

Memory care is designed to help those with cognitive concerns experience all of life’s special moments with ease, grace, and dignity.

Respite Care

Respite care is the perfect short-term lifestyle for those looking to sample our community or give their primary caregiver some much-deserved rest. Enjoy short-term stays with full access to everything our community has to offer.

Where to Find Us

Find us on the corner of Hillside Rd., and Nancy Ellen St.


  • 9700 Hillside Rd
  • Amarillo, TX 79119

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