Respite Care in Amarillo

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Comfortable Living with Short-Term Care

At The Legacy at Town Square, we aim to help you live comfortably and safely whether you’re a full-time resident or just need short-term care.

Respite care is a lifestyle that provides comprehensive support for your needs with care, compassion, and complete access to our full range of services and amenities. If you need some downtime while you’re recovering from surgery or want to explore what life is like at The Legacy at Town Square, respite care might be right for you.

Book a tour with us and find out if short-term care is the right option for you!

What Is Respite Care?

Respite care is your comprehensive short-term lifestyle option. As a guest of The Legacy at Town Square, you or your loved one will be able to experience all our community has to offer.

You’ll be able to enjoy our extensive services, amenities, activities, and events. Our team will be in your corner to get you the support you need while you explore your interests and other pursuits.

When to Consider Respite Care

Respite care is here for your unique needs, whatever they may be. This unique short-term lifestyle option is customized to give you personalized support for your specific level of care while receiving the same high-quality care as our permanent residents.

When you visit us for a tour, our team can help determine your level of care and curate your experience according to your needs.

The Legacy at Town Square offers compassionate respite care support for those recovering from surgeries or injuries. We offer a warm, welcoming, and comfortable atmosphere while you heal and recuperate.

Even caregivers need some time to rest and recover. Respite care can help prevent caregiver burnout while we provide high-quality, compassionate care while they take a moment to rest and recharge.

You or your loved one may want to explore our community beforehand to experience what life is like at The Legacy at Town Square. With the comprehensive services and amenities we offer, our respite care program is an excellent opportunity to try those out.

Sometimes caregivers and loved ones need that extra bit of support due to the scheduling conflicts of everyday life. No matter what life brings, we are committed to providing quality care.

When caregivers need our support, respite care provides high-quality, individualized care so you can keep moving ahead.

Embrace Life at LifeWell Senior Living

No matter what lifestyle best suits your needs, we welcome you and your family to The Legacy at Town Square.

Book a tour today to learn more about how our respite care program can help address your needs.

Why Choose Us?


We’re in this together. Nurturing and developing relationships is a big part of The Legacy at Town Square experience.


We fuel the passion and curiosity of our residents, and at The Legacy at Town Square, there’s never a shortage of fun and excitement.


Your loved ones deserve peace and comfort, and we are passionate about showing how much we care. Now, it’s our turn to give back, and here every moment is special.

All Together

When we put all these values together—The Legacy at Town Square is more than just a place to live—it’s a place you can call home. At The Legacy at Town Square, we’re a family.

Our Lifestyles

We offer unique lifestyle options you can choose from, but we can personalize your experience based on individual needs. 

If you’re unsure which lifestyle may suit you best, please don’t hesitate to contact our team to learn more about these options and what best fits your needs.

Assisted Living

An assisted living lifestyle provides personalized care for your unique needs, supporting you through life with reassurance, guidance, and support.

Memory Care

Memory care is designed to help those with cognitive concerns experience all of life’s special moments with ease, grace, and dignity.

Respite Care

Respite care is the perfect short-term lifestyle for those looking to sample our community or give their primary caregiver some much-deserved rest. Enjoy short-term stays with full access to everything our community has to offer.

Where to Find Us

Find us on the corner of Hillside Rd., and Nancy Ellen St.


  • 9700 Hillside Rd
  • Amarillo, TX 79119

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